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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there Franchisees already operating in Adelaide??

Yes - SelectCleaning Head Office has already established 30 Franchisees in Adelaide. There is plenty of opportunity for a Master Franchisee living in Adelaide to increase this number substantially.

What royalty is currently being collected in Adelaide??

Currently averaging over $9,000 per month & growing. Talk to us about how this is made up.

Does a Master Franchisee have an exclusive area??

Yes - with SelectFranchising the Master Areas are large. Adelaide Master Area covers all of Adelaide - there will only be one Master Franchisee in this area. Our aim is to allow Master Franchisees to build substantial businesses

What are the main skills a Master Franchisee needs?

Sales & marketing skills. Masters are responsible primarily with selling franchises and generating an agreed amount of work for those franchisees. You also need to be able to administer your business but those skills are more easily found in staff etc.

How does a Master Franchisee make money?

Through the sale of franchises and the monthly royalty the franchisees pay the Master Franchisee when they are up and running. More details are provided when we talk.

What is the market like for cleaning work?

To date Select has found that the home cleaning market appears to be resilient to economic down turns. Through 2 major downturns and covid lock downs work volumes has remained constant and started growing again almost immediatley.

Does this type of roaylty based residual income interest you?

Then make a time to talk with us.There is no obligation but we can answer any questions you might have and provide more information.